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  • [Registrant] : ペンギン
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Irvine, カリフォルニア州
  • Posted : 2024/02/14
  • Published : 2024/02/14
  • Changed :2024/02/14
  • Total View : 837 person

Trouser and skirt hem up. / 一回につき💲5〜8

We can sew or hand-sew up the waist of trousers and skirts for everyday wear. We can also fill in small holes in children's clothes that they can still wear or clothes that were just bought and ripped while playing. We can also make bags like those used in kindergartens if you provide us with materials such as cloth and strings.

We would like to pick up the bags at a Japanese supermarket in Irvine.

I am a housewife who loves to sew. I have made my own clothes, children's bags, and embroidered in the past.

I am not a professional, but I would like to finish your clothes carefully so that you can wear them for a long time.

Hemming and filling holes 💲5
Bags one 💲8

Vivinavi - Gig Work

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