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  • Registrant : satchandesuka
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/06/14
  • Published : 2023/06/14
  • Changed :2023/06/14
  • Total View : 505 persons
2023/6/25 / South Bay Area, LA County, California / Beauty / Health

🐲🪷Terakoya Tea Party by Kazuto Saito in person meeting 🐲🪷(Real Tea Party 🪷) 🌸 🦚

! Thank you very much ! If you have any good things, saved things, mysterious stories, etc., please share them here ! I am looking forward to meeting you !.

Thank you ✨ 😊💐

🐲🪷Information about Saito Kazun-san's 🐲 Temple Tea Party in June 🌸 🦚
*Normally held on the third Sunday of each month, this month will be the fourth due to circumstances

Date : June 25, 2023 ( Day ) 11am to 1pm
Location : Los Angeles, South Bay area
Fee : per person $ 10 💵

♥ ️About Kazuto Saito

Born in Tokyo, Japan. Businessman ・ Author.
Founder of health food company Ginza Marukan, a cosmetics ・ company known for hit products such as Slim Docan, a diet food.
Since 1993, he has been ranked among the top 6 highest taxpayers in Japan for 12 consecutive years, and in 2003 he became the highest taxpayer in Japan. While many high taxpayers pay high taxes through land sales and public offerings, he attracted attention as a person who pays a large amount of taxes from business income alone. Even now that the announcement of high taxpayers has been cancelled, he is still steadily improving his business performance.
He has also published many books as an author on how to achieve both mental enjoyment and financial wealth

Q: What is Kazuto's Terakoya Tea Ceremony ?

A: I learned Kazuto's teachings from books, Youtube and Kazuto's disciples. A: A group of people who have learned from Kazuto's teachings through books, Youtube, or from his disciples, or who have practiced what they have learned, or who have used supplements or products ( or cosmetics ) from Kazuto's Ginza Marukan, or who have been helped by Kazuto, share their experiences with each other. This is the meeting where people who have various experiences share their stories.
We have heard many reports that their lives have become 49 ( better ) since joining this group.

Also, at the meeting, I will bring you the latest information that Hitori-san is now saying, "You should do this!
Ichijin-san is no longer giving lectures, but now you can hear the latest from Ichijin-san from his books and his namesake people ! 2684s

Please listen to this one, too !
Daihatsuji Kanade by Hanae Masuoka tNxwNC8

Please contact us if you are interested ☆

This star is a star of action. You only have one life.
It gets better and better, the future is bright
We are waiting for many of you to join us in a fluffy and carefree way ✨ ☺ ️ ✨ 💐🐉💝

Thanks for reading this far. ❣️

L.A. Sacchan
is a favorite student of Hitori Saito and Hanae Masuoka, a direct disciple of Hitori-san. I have the opportunity to share my life experiences since I got to know Hitori-san with my fellow Hitori-san fans in Los Angeles and share the latest information about Hitori-san. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Venue The venue will be announced shortly to those who have contacted us expressing interest in attending.
Address South Bay Area, LA County, California
Date 2023/6/25
Time 11:00 minute(s) - 13:00 minute(s)
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