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이메일 주소 :   


  • [등록자] : Daisy1234
  • [언어]English
  • 등록일 : 2024/01/02
  • 게재일 : 2024/01/02
  • 변경일 :2024/01/02
  • 총열람수 : 578 명
방 있어요

One Private Room in the House (share bathroom with one tenant)

We are looking for a responsible female (adult; full-time/professional worker or student) who does her part to keep the house clean and is an easygoing individual.
A shared kitchen, washer and dryer, and bathroom are available. Please clean up after using.


This is a big private room (approx 150 square feet) in a house located at North Torrance.
5 minutes to I-405
10 minutes away from the Ocean.
5 minutes to shopping centers(South Bay Galleria, TJ Maxx).
3 minutes to McDonald's, Chick-fil-A, Burger King, Coco's Bakery and many restaurants.
5 minutes to the grocery/supermarket: Ralph, Sprout.
5 minutes to the Japanese Nijiya market; 6 minutes to the Korean Hannam Chain market.
5 minutes to El Camino College.
5 minutes’ walk to a 52-acre Columbia Park in Torrance.
Quiet neighborhood, good neighbors. Located in a safe area.
Full Furniture.
All Utilities included.
$960/month + $600 deposit
Lamp, Table, Bookshelf, Chair, Full Size Bed, Window & Curtain, Hardwood floor, Closet.
* Looking for a responsible female that keeps the house fairly clean, and an easy going individual.
**Christian family no alcohol/smoker/drug. No pets, no drums, and no guests.
***If interested please send me a text message and set up an appointment.
>>There's a $30 non-refundable credit check (in cash or check) for the landlord.
>>Minimum 6 months lease then monthly after.

North Torrance / Redondo Beach Transit Center
소재지 Torrance (North Torrance), CA, 90504 Los Angeles
임대료 $960.00/월 방 타입 프라이빗
카테고리 여성룸메이트 주차장 스트리트
건물 타입 주택 입주가능일 2024/1/06
시설/조건 보안,가구포함,냉장고,버스정류장근처,세탁기
Web Access No.1566551


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