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Newhope Law PC

Patent and Trademark Attorney

Newhope Law, PC is a boutique intellectual property law firm providing legal representaion regarding patents (protecting inventions), trademarks (protecting company names and logos), trade dress and copyrights (protecting artistic expression). The firm also files reexamination requests to challenge patent validity as well as represent both plaintiffs and defendants in US District Court litigation. We provide legal assistance with patents (protecting inventions), trademarks (protecting company names and logos) and copyrights (protecting artistic expression). Afterwards, we can provide counseling for licensing, infringement and other matters.

住所 4522 Katella Avenue 200, Los Alamitos, CA, 90720 US
営業時間日曜日 定休日
月曜日 10:00-4:00
火曜日 10:00-4:00
水曜日 10:00-4:00
木曜日 10:00-4:00
金曜日 10:00-4:00
土曜日 定休日
  • http://www.clemcheng.com/p/blog-page_55.html
  • びびなび - タウンガイド
