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An update from Mayor George K. Chen VOLUME 1 | EDITION 1 Thursday, August 24, 2023   The Mayor's eNEWSLETTER is your source for news, events, and information directly from Mayor George K. Chen. Don't forget to share the Mayor's eNEWSLETTER with neighbors to make sure the entire community is in the loop. If you are new here, please sign up for future editions. Questions, comments, and suggestions can be sent to GChen@TorranceCA.Gov. A MESSAGE FROM MAYOR CHEN THANK YOU, TORRANCE COMMUNITY On behalf of the Torrance City Council and all of the employees, I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Torrance community for your patience and understanding during Tropical Storm Hilary. To say we had a busy weekend in Torrance would be an understatement. It was all hands on deck as staff from all City departments worked collectively to protect lives and property as Tropical Storm Hilary touched parts of Southern California. I want to commend all of our employees for their commitment to serve the public, it’s a love we all share for our City. It’s what makes Torrance an incredible place to live, work and play. While Torrance was fortunate to have minimal impacts from this storm, I truly believe a large part was due to the preparedness and planning of the City’s infrastructure design to ensure storm drains, vegetation, and appropriate supplies were ready and available to the public. The City was able to distribute nearly 4,000 filled sandbags, FREE to the community from Friday through Sunday. staff worked diligently and efficiently to move cars through as safely as possible. Staff also responded to calls for downed tree limbs, power lines, and traffic light outages. Thankfully rainfall was minimal, winds were manageable, and no noteworthy damages were reported from the magnitude 5.1 quake just 80 miles northwest of Los Angeles. Thank you to the City’s Office of Emergency Services who coordinated activities in response to this incident. This allowed all Public Safety including Police, Fire, and Code Enforcement officers to be prepared and respond quickly. Public Works, General Services, Community Development and Park Services also jumped in to help with the logistics, preparation, and distribution of sandbags to ensure our community was prepared. Thanks to the Interactive Communications Office, public information was created and shared on TorranceAlerts (Advisory), Digital Signs, CitiSOUNDS, TorranceCA.Gov, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter informing and recommending ways to be prepared. We hope you found these notifications were helpful in your own planning. Whether you weathered the storm from home, or you were one of the many in line for the free sandbags, we hope you saw the cross collaboration between all the departments as they worked together to ensure the safety of our residents and businesses. This is truly a reflection of #TeamTorrance. If and when we face future storms, natural disasters, or any other challenges, I am confident in our City, that we will be able to continue to provide services and support to the community, because together we can do anything. We’ll continue to monitor saturated areas of Torrance and encourage you to report service requests through the myTorranceCA mobile app. Sign up for TorranceAlerts, stay engaged and follow us on the various social media platforms. We appreciate your feedback along with any words of encouragement and appreciation that we can share with our team. As we continue to serve our residents and business community, I know we have an incredible team who are proud to serve you and the City we all love. Thank you again for your patience and trust during these challenging times. Together, I’m confident we can face all challenges. Mayor George K. Chen City of Torrance SEE WHAT TORRANCE IS DOING   A lot is happening in and around the City. SEE WHAT TORRANCE IS DOING! CITY OF TORRANCE | 3031 TORRANCE BLVD., TORRANCE, CA 90503 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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