Important Update: U.S. Bank 2-Hour Public Parking Discontinued 🅿️
- [注册人]City of Manhattan Beach
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Manhattan Beach, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/13
- 发布日 : 2024/09/13
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/13
- 总浏览次数 : 232 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们是橙县的一家牙科诊所。我和我的员工相信,我们能提供友好、礼貌和准确的医疗服务...
* 橙县 ( 纽波特海滩,科斯塔梅萨,尔湾 ) * 35年的牙科经验 * 美容、儿科、普通和种植牙。 * 医生本人用日语提供治疗和解释。 * 我们相信提供亲切、有礼貌和准确的治疗,帮助每个人的牙齿健康。 *请随时用日语向我们咨询您的任何牙齿问题。 * 最先进的设备,包括口内摄影机、电视监视器、空气磨蚀、带CD/DVD/VCR的立体声耳机、氮气镇静等。
+1 (949) 752-6480馬場歯科医院
- 蒙特梭利国际学校 蒙特梭利国际学校是一所双语学校,教授日语 ・ 英语,设有 2 ...
蒙特梭利国际学校是一所双语学校,教授日语 ・ 英语,设有 2 个 ~ 3 岁班级、3 个 ~ 5 岁班级、幼儿园和小学班级。 课程以蒙特梭利教育原则为基础,在尽可能好的环境中培养孩子的独立性和自立能力。蒙特梭利国际学校尊重每个孩子的个性,帮助每个孩子形成自我。我们每天与孩子们一起工作,以最大限度地实现这种自我教育。最重要的是,我们的主要愿望是让孩子们享受学习。
+1 (714) 444-2733モンテッソーリ国際学園
- 诊所在 Costa Mesa 和 Torrens 开业。医生和员工都是日本人,从...
如果您有牙齿问题,无论您是儿童还是老人,在橙县拥有 30 多年经验的室谷牙科诊所都能帮您解决。 日本医生将用日语为您仔细检查。请随时用日语向我们咨询普通牙科、蛀牙预防、神经治疗、儿童牙科、种植牙、美容牙科、美白等问题。
+1 (714) 641-0681室谷歯科医院
- 平日/星期日日语补充学校。学校根据基督教的 "三育 "教育理念开展教育,旨在培养...
在平日学校,幼儿园・的孩子们每周有两天・上学,以确保他们在学业上为回国、升学或参加入学考试做好准备。对于在美国出生或决定在美国长期生活的孩子来说,每周两天的学校生活也增加了他们接触日语的机会,有助于他们掌握日语技能。我们还有圣经时间,重视 "精神教育"。 在主日学校,希望把学习与当地学校和其他活动结合起来的孩子们正在努力学习日语。 ■ Irvine / Costa Mesa 学校大楼 ■ ...
+1 (310) 532-3770三育東西学園
- 日语综合医学 ・ 消化内科、肝病科。如果您担心消化系统癌症、肠胃炎、溃疡、肝炎、...
这是一家家庭医生诊所,您可以用日语轻松咨询任何问题。 ●特殊人群 食道癌、胃癌、大肠癌、肝癌、胰腺癌等消化系统恶性肿瘤患者。 乙型肝炎或丙型肝炎患者或对其有顾虑的人。 喉咙不适、口臭、吞咽困难、烧心、打嗝、腹部饱胀 ・腹胀、胃痛。全身腹痛,包括上腹痛、下腹痛、腋窝痛。背部 ・ 背痛、消化不良。体重异常减轻或增加、便秘、腹泻、吐血、下血、痔疮、肛门疼痛和瘙痒。 ● 除一般内科治疗外,还提供...
+1 (949) 654-8963オデッセイASC内視鏡センター・大原医院
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我们以合理的价格提供酒水和卡拉 OK,而且有很多漂亮的女顾客 我们可爱的女服务员正在等着您。
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- 让我们帮助您出售或购买房屋。洛杉矶房产经纪、橙县房产、河滨县房产、圣伯纳迪诺房产...
我们可以用日语仔细解释复杂的房产交易。我们是内陆帝国为数不多的会说日语的中介之一。我们位于南加州的中心位置,因此可以覆盖广泛的地区。Keller Williams 还是世界排名第一的房地产特许经营公司,采用先进技术处理各种房产。Keller Williams 在尔湾、约巴林达、科罗纳、钻石吧、特姆库拉、库卡蒙加河、奇诺山和格伦多拉社区尤为活跃,但也乐于协助其他房产交易。加州房地产经纪人 ・ 如果您...
+1 (323) 687-2415KW / まつもと きみ ロサンゼルス不動産エージェント
- 在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦...
在家吃正宗的拉面 ! 美国美星,特色面条都是经过精心挑选的。新鲜的拉面 ・ 荞麦面 ・ 乌龙面 ・ 冰镇chuka面 ・ 冲绳荞麦面 ・ 长崎chanpon面和许多其他产品 ♪ "排列组合食谱 "也有,无尽的美味取决于你的想法!。
+1 (909) 464-1411Myojo USA, INC.
- 位于科斯塔梅萨的正宗日本 ・ 寿司餐厅。
+1 (949) 631-0403Sky Bay Sushi
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橙县第一家综合性日美文化沙龙。在广大顾客的支持下,我们已经迎来了 17 周年庆典,可以帮助您从 20 种不同类型的课程中找到理想的培训。请将这里作为交友和交流信息的场所。也可以按小时出租房间。 尽你所能。尽情享受生活。因此,要有意义地利用真正重要的时间。橘子洲文化沙龙一直在支持你,为你的心动、现在、幸运、快乐、幸福导航。有没有你感兴趣的课程 ? 相信你的直觉 ! 机会来了 ! 从超过 25 种...
+1 (949) 685-7120Orange Island Culture Salon
- 尔湾牙科诊所。还提供普通牙科、儿童牙科、神经治疗和口腔外科、牙周治疗、正畸/隐形...
+1 (949) 733-3647Glenn T. Yanagi, D.D.S. / Yanagi Dental Office
- 混合动力汽车专家 ( 新 & 二手 ) ! 我们提供安全和经济的生态汽车生活。
我们的科斯塔梅萨店有大量的新・二手混合动力汽车,主要是普锐斯,有各种变化。 该店于2016年2月开业,非常干净。 我们还有一个儿童空间,所以欢迎孩子们的到来★ 另外,三和科斯塔梅萨店距离我们有5分钟的步行路程,附近还有时尚的咖啡馆和商场。 等待服务时不会感到无聊。 对混合动力汽车了如指掌的工作人员很友好,很有帮助。 所有的工作人员都期待着为你服务!。
+1 (714) 592-1150Eco Drive Auto Sales & Leasing Inc (Costa Mesa Office)
- 蜜蜂幼儿园鼓励孩子们发展独立能力和社交技能,每天在轻松愉快的氛围中度过,并给予他...
☆ 尔湾的智力日托 ☆ 注重发展不可量化的 "非认知 "技能,培养同情心 ・ 自我表达 ・ 和友好竞争。语言发展迟缓
双语准备 ・ 可提供发音练习课程 ! 大量使用精细运动技能的活动,促进大脑发展 ! Instagram → @honeybee328日托 位于尔湾的日裔美国人日托 / 日托 ☆ 为父母和孩子提供乐趣和联系 ! 内容因年龄而异 ( 体育活动、手工、故事书、歌曲和语言训... +1 (310) 801-2517Honey Bee Learning Center
- 东京 ・ 加藤女士诊所附属诊所 ! 自然周期试管婴儿专家 Life IVF中心
一家专门从事不孕不育治疗的诊所,方法独特。 "我想以最小的身体压力,不走任何弯路,生一个孩子"--这一定是你在考虑不孕不育治疗时的想法,而生命试管婴儿中心和东京的加藤女士诊所一样,提供温和的生育治疗,重点是 "自然周期试管婴儿",尽可能不使用生育药物。生命试管婴儿中心提供一种温和的不孕不育治疗,重点是 "自然周期试管婴儿",不使用生育药物。 除了生育治疗外,我们还提供妇科检查。 如果您对女...
+1 (949) 788-1133Life IVF Center
- 汽车维修 ・ 如果您需要检查,请交给我们。轮胎 ・ 从轮胎
到雨刮... -
汽车维修 ・ 如果您需要检查,请交给我们。轮胎 ・ 我们提供可靠的日语服务,甚至更换雨刷器。 我们可以直接上门取货,晚上直接送货上门。 ( 需要预约 ) 更换机油 制动服务 变速箱
+1 (949) 951-5398Shinzo Auto Service
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City of Manhattan Beach, California
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*Dear Manhattan Beach Community, *
We wanted to inform you of an important parking update for downtown Manhattan Beach.
Effective *September 13, 2024*, the 2-hour public parking at the U.S. Bank lot located at *400 Manhattan Beach Boulevard* has been *permanently discontinued, *and available for U.S. Bank customers only.
If you're planning a visit to the downtown area, we encourage you to explore nearby public parking lots or use metered street parking.
For further details on available parking locations, rates, and alternative transportation options, please view below or visit the City of Manhattan Beach 'Parking and Maps' visitors page [ ].
Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your cooperation as we adjust to this change.
City of Manhattan Beach
Check out all the parking information, lot options, and alternative transportation choices below! Enjoy shopping, dining, and playing in Downtown Manhattan Beach with stress-free parking options available to you. *#MBLocalLove *
Looking for the Perfect Parking Spot in Downtown Manhattan Beach?
*Metlox Underground Structure (Lot M) *
*⚡EV Charging Available*
*1210 N Morningside Dr, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266*
The Metlox Structure has 450 meters with a rate of $2.00 per hour and a 3-hour time limit on P1 and a 10-hour time limit on P2. Entrances for the Metlox Structure are on Valley Drive and Morningside Drive.(Google Map [,+1210+N+Morningside+Dr,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266/@33.8858803,-118.4098058,19z/data=!4m18!1m8!3m7!1s0x80c2b3ec4296e03b:0xc17b3e4f2f35082e!2sLot+M!8m2!3d33.8864643!4d-118.4089507!15sCipMT1QgbmVhciBDYWxpZm9ybmlhIDEsIE1hbmhhdHRhbiBCZWFjaCwgQ0GSAQ5wYXJraW5nX2dhcmFnZeABAA!16s%2Fg%2F1hc3q00tw!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3ec4296e03b:0xc17b3e4f2f35082e!2m2!1d-118.4089507!2d33.8864643!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
"Conveniently located just steps away from your favorite shops, restaurants, and the beach, the Metlox Underground Structure offers ample parking and easy access to all the downtown hotspots. Whether you're planning a day of shopping, dining, or just soaking up the sun, parking at Metlox makes your visit a breeze."
*Civic Center Lower Lot*
**⚡ *EV Charging Available *
*Beginning August 30, this lot will open earlier to the public on Fridays starting at 1:00 PM. *The Civic Center Lower Lot has 96 meters with a rate of $2.00 per hour and a 2-hour limit (except by permit). The entrance for the Civic Center Lower Lot is on 13th Street or down the ramp in the Upper Lot. (Google Map [,-118.4097802,21z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x80c2b3ec042bc2f5:0xcb92c5217efe9ef6!2sCivic+Center+Lot!8m2!3d33.8875442!4d-118.4100866!16s%2Fg%2F1hc6f8q57!3m5!1s0x80c2b3ec0e1791d7:0xbe0311ce239726b6!8m2!3d33.887195!4d-118.4097867!16s%2Fg%2F11w212vcwk?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*New Public Parking Hours*:
* Monday – Thursday: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
* Friday: 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM
* Saturday – Sunday: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
*Civic Center Upper Lot*
The Civic Center Upper Lot has no meters and a 2-hour time limit. The entrance for the Civic Center Upper Lot is on 15th Street. (Google Map [,+320+15th+St,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266/@33.8872908,-118.4098916,19z/data=!4m17!1m7!3m6!1s0x80c2b3ec042bc2f5:0xcb92c5217efe9ef6!2sCivic+Center+Lot!8m2!3d33.8875442!4d-118.4100866!16s%2Fg%2F1hc6f8q57!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3ec042bc2f5:0xcb92c5217efe9ef6!2m2!1d-118.410144!2d33.8876503!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Civic Center South*
The Civic Center South Lot has 10 meters with a rate of $2.00 per hour and a 2-hour time limit. The entrance for the Civic Center South Lot is on 13th Street. (Google Map [,-118.4096799,3a,75y,302.31h,80.41t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s4ABm1PqJ37-8dOCcDd-EOw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Shade Hotel [ ] Valet Service*
For restaurant patrons, valet parking is available at a rate of $10 for up to 3 hours, with an increased fee of $45 for extended stays. Please be aware that parking rates may fluctuate during large downtown events due to limited availability. Limited valet parking available for non-hotel guests. Pull into the Shade Hotel valet service driveway on Valley Drive, just before Manhattan Beach Boulevard. (Google Map [,+North+Valley+Drive,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA/@33.8865704,-118.4496853,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3ec41966f67:0x968c5d6c0a5927cd!2m2!1d-118.4084738!2d33.8865061!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Lot 1*
Lot 1 has 45 meters with a rate of $2.00 per hour and a 2-hour limit. Entrances for Lot 1 are on Bayview Drive between 9th Place and 11th Street. (Google Map [,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266/@33.8834623,-118.4143445,17z/data=!4m18!1m8!3m7!1s0x80c2b3ecb1166503:0x49b9b9db9dff0f4f!2s999-911+Bayview+Dr,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266!3b1!8m2!3d33.8834579!4d-118.4094736!16s%2Fg%2F11c2wrk2c6!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3ecb1166503:0x49b9b9db9dff0f4f!2m2!1d-118.4094736!2d33.8834579!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Lot 2*
**⚡ *EV Parking Available*
Lot 2 has 66 meters with a rate of $2.00 per hour and a 2-hour limit. Entrances for Lot 2 are on Bayview Drive or 12th Street. (Google Map [,+222+12th+St,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266/@33.8852168,-118.4101277,19z/data=!4m17!1m7!3m6!1s0x80c2b3ec7f94851b:0xd1ba79d997e90442!2sLot+2!8m2!3d33.8854591!4d-118.4104095!16s%2Fg%2F11f_p3c85t!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3ec7f94851b:0xd1ba79d997e90442!2m2!1d-118.4104095!2d33.8854591!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Upper Pier Parking Lots *
**⚡ *EV Charging Available*
The Upper Pier Lots have 50 meters with a rate of $2.50 per hour and a 5-hour limit. The entrances for the Upper Pier Lots are on Ocean Drive. (Google Map [,+1121+Ocean+Dr,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266/@33.8841018,-118.4118854,20z/data=!4m18!1m8!3m7!1s0x80c2b3eb68dd3ec1:0xa9ec4d45bd3964!2sUpper+Pier+Lots!8m2!3d33.8843249!4d-118.4106737!15sCipMT1QgbmVhciBDYWxpZm9ybmlhIDEsIE1hbmhhdHRhbiBCZWFjaCwgQ0GSAQtwYXJraW5nX2xvdOABAA!16s%2Fg%2F11dxcpbkyw!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3eb68dd3ec1:0xa9ec4d45bd3964!2m2!1d-118.4106737!2d33.8843249!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Lower Pier Parking Lots*
The Lower Pier Lots have 68 meters with a rate of $2.50 per hour and a 5-hour limit. The entrances for the Lower Pier Lots are at the end of Manhattan Beach Boulevard. (Google Map [,+1101-1123+N+The+Strand,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266/@33.8846245,-118.4124129,19z/data=!4m18!1m8!3m7!1s0x80c2b3eb6bbe6cab:0x76f3518a117b9dbd!2sLower+Pier+Lots!8m2!3d33.8840005!4d-118.4116737!15sCipMT1QgbmVhciBDYWxpZm9ybmlhIDEsIE1hbmhhdHRhbiBCZWFjaCwgQ0GSAQtwYXJraW5nX2xvdOABAA!16s%2Fg%2F11g6qm82pl!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3eb6bbe6cab:0x76f3518a117b9dbd!2m2!1d-118.4116737!2d33.8840005!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Lot 6*
Lot 6 has 23 meters with a rate of $2.00 per hour and a 2-hour time limit. The entrance for Lot 6 is on the west side of Highland Avenue just south of 14th Street. (Google Map [,-118.4113797,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x80c2b3ebf415a6c9:0x906a8ab783acddd2!8m2!3d33.886812!4d-118.410736!16s%2Fg%2F11f01jr5b7?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Lot 7*
Lot 7 has 17 meters with a rate of $2.00 per hour and a 10-hour time limit. The entrance for Lot 7 is on Valley Drive. (Google Map [,-118.4068869,3a,75y,256.68h,88.01t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1snO0hVQIHLE8mxuT-FQR-SA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Lot 8*
Lot 8 has no meters and a 10-hour time limit. The entrance for Lot 8 is on Ardmore Avenue. (Google Map [,+Valley,+1104+N+Valley+Dr,+Manhattan+Beach,+CA+90266/@33.8861872,-118.4084885,19z/data=!4m17!1m7!3m6!1s0x80c2b3007b4bd631:0xeb965cbff616fc8f!2sBeach+Parking+on+Ardmore,+Valley!8m2!3d33.8868507!4d-118.4083292!16s%2Fg%2F11vk92t277!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2b3007b4bd631:0xeb965cbff616fc8f!2m2!1d-118.4083292!2d33.8868507!3e3?entry=ttu&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ])
*Public Parking Lots Interactive Map:*
Find the best place to park in one of the City's 12 parking lots, including over 1,400 spaces citywide. There are also over 400 street meters in the Downtown and North Manhattan Beach business districts. (View Map [ ])
*Charging Stations in Manhattan Beach:*
* EV Charging Map [ ]
*Alternative Transportation Options:*
* Bicycle Parking Map [ ]
* Public Transportation [ ]
Parking Questions?
*Traffic Engineering* (310) 802-5521 or <>
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