Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Sustainability News You Can Use!
- [登録者]City of Culver City
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Culver City, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/03/01
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/01
- 変更日 : 2025/03/01
- 総閲覧数 : 99 人
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Birds of Paradise Flowers in Culver City
2025 Winter/Spring Newsletter
Stan Mascot with Trash Bin
Coming Soon to a Recycling Bin Near You!*
Hold onto your bins, folks! Culver City is rolling out an "augmented reality" experience featuring Stan, our brand-new, overly enthusiastic recycling mascot. (Seriously, he’s "really" into recycling.) Keep your eyes peeled for QR codes on bins around town—scan them, and Stan will guide you what items can be recycled.
Woman shopping at farmers market
Farm Fresh & Parking-Stress-Free!*
Looking for fresh, local goodies? The *Culver City Farmers’ Market* has you covered every *Tuesday from 2 PM to 7 PM* on Main Street. Pro tip: Skip the parking drama and bike over instead. Bonus? You get to feel smug about reducing your carbon footprint while scoring the juiciest fruits in town.
*Ways to Make the Most of Your Trip:
* *Bring reusable bags* (bonus points for a stylish tote!).
* *Plan your meals* ahead of time so you know exactly what to buy.
* *Ask farmers about their produce*—you might discover a new favorite veggie!
* *Check for seasonal items* to get the freshest, best-tasting picks.
illustration of collapsible water bottle and portable utensils
No Time to ‘Waste’—Literally!*
Let’s talk plastic—specifically, how to "use less of it". Ditch single-use bottles for a reusable one (your wallet will thank you), and bring your own containers for leftovers. The City will appreciate your commitment to the cause and you’ll feel like an eco-warrior in the process.
*Simple Swaps to Reduce Waste:*
* Carry a *collapsible reusable bottle*—great for travel and everyday use.
* Invest in *stainless steel or glass containers* for leftovers.
* *Say no to plastic utensils*—keep a travel set in your bag or car.
Old guitar and lamp with boxes in a yellow room
Trash or Treasure? You Decide!*
That old lamp collecting dust in the garage or closet? It might be someone else’s dream décor. Before you toss, try sharing! Post in *NextDoor* or *Buy Nothing* groups and turn your clutter into community gold. (Plus, let’s be honest—free stuff is "always" exciting.)
illustration of sprinkler growing money plants
Fix a Leak, Save Some Dough!*
With the dry season around the corner, every drop counts. A leaky irrigation system could be sneakily running up your water bill "and" wasting precious H₂O. Do a quick check-up. Your plants (and your budget) will thank you.
What to Check & Fix:*
* *Sprinkler heads*—look for cracks, blockages, or leaks.
* *Hose connections*—use *rubber washers* to prevent drips.
* *Check your water meter*—if it’s running when all water is off, you may have a hidden leak.
*Install a smart irrigation system*—these adjust watering times based on weather conditions!
photo of xeriscaped California garden
Give Your Garden a California Glow-Up*
Want a yard that thrives with "minimal" effort? Native California plants are the way to go! They’re drought-resistant, gorgeous, and basically nature’s way of saying, “I got this.” Try *xeriscaping*—a fancy word for “let’s make gardening easier” while helping the environment.
Osri Escobar
Employee Spotlight
"These employees also won Employee of the Half for the first and second half of 2024!"
*Orsi Escobar*
*What is your spirit animal? *A horse because just like me that horse is hardworking, skillful, and independent.
*What is a project you're most proud of working on? *Becoming a homeowner in California. It's not easy these days. Also landscaping my front yard.
*What is one thing you've always wanted to try but haven't? *I always wanted to sky-dive!
*If you were a character on a TV Show, who would you be and why? *I would be Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street because his personality is just like me.
*Whats your favorite part of the job? *When I see kids get excited to see the trash truck. For this reason, I decided to look for toy trash trucks when I go to the store and I buy a few to give away to the kids when I see them.
Victor Sims
Victor Sims
*If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it?* My superpower would be to know what others are thinking, I would use it to give me leverage to move in a positive way, proactively staying ahead of anything that I may encounter.
What is your go-to Karaoke Song, or what song would you sing if you had to perform?* Keith Sweat - Right and Wrong way
*If you could time travel to any era, where would you go and why?* I would travel back to the early 90s when life was full of more love, culture and people dreamed more.
*What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done on vacation?* In 2022 I went Snorkeling in Miami, Key West!
*What’s your favorite part of your Job?* Being a City Employee
Culver City [ https://www.culvercity.org ] Questions?
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