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1. | Remittance to Japan $ 250,000 | 2k view | 13 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/12/27 10:15 |
I would like to send the money through my bank and would like to know your experience. Thank you in advance. View this topic |
2. | Server Chip | 6k view | 27 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/11/01 12:45 |
I am currently a lunch server at a Japanese restaurant. The restaurant is open all night with no lunch break, but servers rotate with dinner servers at 4:30pm. Since there is one server for both ... |
3. | Hospital specializing in thyroid | 2k view | 10 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/09/03 09:12 |
I recently moved to Irvine. I have had thyroid problems for 10 years since I was in Japan and need to go to the hospital here as well. If anyone has been to a hospital for the same thyr... |
4. | Investment in Japanese Yen | 5k view | 44 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/07/07 22:28 |
I am a resident of Irvine. I would like to invest using Japanese yen that I have in a Japanese bank. I could not find a good way to invest in stocks or virtual currency. |
5. | Hemorrhoid Treatment | 1k view | 3 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/06/07 18:46 |
I would like to have a hemorrhoid treatment and surgery ( for hemorrhoids ) in Orange County or near Los Angeles, but I am not sure if there is anyone who speaks English or Japanese. I would... |
6. | I am looking for a conscientious Sinus doctor in t... | 1k view | 1 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/03/24 09:59 |
We are looking for a doctor who is familiar with Sinus treatment. Please let me know if you know anyone. Thank you very much. |
7. | Cloudy headlights | 24k view | 35 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/03/02 07:56 |
My headlights are starting to look like sliding glass and I want to do something about it myself, but I've seen so many things on YouTube and other places that I don't know what's best. If anyone... |
8. | It's so sad that he doesn't have any friends ?. | 98k view | 127 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/01/28 16:30 |
What is a friend ? I'm here ?. |
9. | Bank account registered with treasurydirect | 15k view | 31 res | Problem / Need advice | 2023/11/08 14:44 |
I am a former Union Bank user. I had an account at and had Union Bank registered, but now that US Bank has absorbed it, my bank number and account number have changed and I nee... |
10. | Differences in ESTA application fees when family m... | 1k view | 3 res | Problem / Need advice | 2023/09/01 15:09 |
I heard that my brother and his wife paid 8 , 690 yen and his wife paid 24,532 yen, why are they paying different amounts? ? If you know anything about this, please let me know ?. |
11. | Mold on ceiling | 8k view | 19 res | Problem / Need advice | 2023/01/26 00:42 |
I humidify every night, but the mold has spread all at once to the ceiling. I am panicking because it spread so quickly. I cannot stop humidification. My throat can't stand the dryness. Firs... |
12. | Isn't Amazon's response terrible these days? | 96k view | 119 res | Problem / Need advice | 2023/01/19 15:48 |
Isn't Amazon's response terrible these days? Even if you return an item, you may not get the full amount back because it arrived at Amazon after the return period. |
13. | The heater in the car doesn't work. | 10k view | 16 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/11/30 09:56 |
I have a 2006 Toyota Sienna LE and even though I set the heater dial to the hottest setting, no warm air comes out. What does this mean? I would appreciate it if you could advise me if you know what i... |
14. | Cell phone company mint spectrum looking for cheap... | 915 view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/05/14 19:07 |
I am currently using metro by T-mobile. I recently found out about a cheap plan from a cell phone company called Mint. If you are using it, I would like to know about the signal, price, etc.... |
15. | Abortion | 24k view | 60 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/05/14 14:34 |
Please tell me if any of these people have had abortions in the US. I have a positive test result and am considering having an abortion. I would appreciate it if you could tell me where I can get... |
16. | About optt application documents | 3k view | 4 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/05/08 14:24 |
In the OPT application, it says that all I20s issued in the past are listed, but to be honest, I don't have all the I20s from my language school days. In this case, I wonder if I will not be accepted ... |
17. | TV JAPAN | 18k view | 28 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/05/08 12:31 |
I live in Torrance. I would like to give my elderly mother, who lives alone, access to TV Japan. what do I sign up for ? how much does it cost per month ? where do I start ? I... |
18. | I hate my in-laws too much. | 7k view | 23 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/05/02 17:42 |
It's exhausting to deal with people who can't talk to me and I have no choice but to tell them. I don't want to divorce my husband, but I hate my in-laws so much that I want to take my kids and leave. |
19. | Angeles Stadium | 3k view | 5 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/04/26 12:37 |
I would like to watch the game at the Angel, can I purchase seats for the day before entering at the stadium ? Thank you very much! |
20. | Can I use American washer&dryer in Japan? | 11k view | 16 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/04/14 11:58 |
I am moving to Japan and was wondering if you know if the "washing machine and dryer" I bought last year will work in Japan? It is large enough to wash Comforter. Japanese houses are sp... |
21. | Those using Spectrum's wifi. | 1k view | 1 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/03/17 17:44 |
Please let me know. I recently signed up for Spectrum wifi, received a modem from Spectrum, and now I'm ready to use it, but I'm having a lot of trouble with video and internet because it's so sl... |
22. | How to open a bank account in Japan ?. | 11k view | 8 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/03/02 10:48 |
I would like to open a bank account in Japan when I visit Japan, but I have an American passport and no certificate of residence. Please let me know if you know of any banks where foreigners can ... |
23. | About Car License Plates | 13k view | 29 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/03/01 22:20 |
I was originally stationed in Illinois and came to California for business purposes. I updated my license to a California one, but the license plate on my car is still in Illinois. Is t... |
24. | Security and livability | 14k view | 39 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/12/08 19:15 |
Nice to meet you. I am 25 years old when I moved here from Hawaii. I am moving to Huntington Beach this month. I'm staying with him in a hotel in Long Beach until we find a house <... |
25. | Cost for private pool | 7k view | 8 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/11/05 22:51 |
The house I want to buy has a pool, but by ordinance it has to be a heated pool I have no idea how much the electricity will cost. How much would a pool man charge per month? Please hel... |
26. | ESL | 1k view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/09/25 20:22 |
If anyone around OC has participated in ESL please let me know !. |
27. | Efforts to stay hydrated | 12k view | 37 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/09/14 10:44 |
I tend to forget to drink water or put off hydration even when thirsty. It is definitely not good for the body, but what method do you use to take in water ? Water only. |
28. | Questions about smog testing on cars | 10k view | 32 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/08/30 19:05 |
Does anyone know of anyone or a place that will let me pass a smog test if I pay for extras ? ? I am having a very difficult time because my friend bought me a car that is a hassle. I was told th... |
29. | Information Exchange ❗️ Topic. | 6k view | 10 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/05/26 01:14 |
I was hoping for a place to exchange information where I can ask anything. |
30. | If anyone knows more about this, please advise. | 21k view | 43 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/05/14 23:36 |
A friend of mine who was riding a Harley in Death Valley last month had an accident and was taken by helicopter to the hospital. The circumstances of the accident were that he was in a right hand... |
31. | I once dated a Middle Eastern woman ? | 5k view | 16 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/03/01 21:28 |
I am going out with a Middle Eastern woman. I have dated Western women before, but Middle Eastern women are very particular about religion, etc. from a Japanese point of view, and I have no idea ... |
32. | Recommended laundry detergent for people with bad ... | 11k view | 22 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/03/01 19:28 |
タイトル通りです。体質改善など絶対してくれない人なのでせめて体臭くさい衣類に効果的な洗濯洗剤をと思っています。 腋臭ではなくおそらく食生活や荒れた生活からくるものと思います(ヘビースモーカー、マリファナ常習、毎日夜中のジャンクフードなど)。 追い出せれば一番ですがそうもいかない事情があるのでうちに居候させています。 その人の残り香が気持ち悪くて死にそうです... |
33. | Internet | 14k view | 28 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/01/01 15:10 |
I have been using Spectrum for many years since the Timewarner days, and about 6 months ago the speed started to slow down drastically and the connection started to break up. Has anyone else had the s... |
34. | アトピーのスペシャリスト | 17k view | 48 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/12/09 09:28 |
どなたかアトピーのスペシャリストや皮膚科の良いドクターをご存知の方はいらっしゃいませんか? 主人のアトピーが酷くなり、毎日痒みと戦っています。 CetaphilやAveenoで保湿したり、ステロイドもCortisoneを塗ったりしてもその時はすぐに止まるんですが、 しばらくしたら痒みが出てきます。 湿疹が酷くなってきた時は、かかりつけのHome Doctorに飲むス... |
35. | 吸玉 カッピング体験者の方 | 8k view | 27 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/09/22 20:37 |
ひどい腰痛と肩こり、カッピングに興味があります。 どこでおいくらぐらいでうけられますか? カッピングは効くのでしょうか? 体験者の方のご意見お待ちしてます。 |
36. | 子供が家にいる中での失業、8月からの生活について | 7k view | 26 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/06/27 03:28 |
パンデミックにより、現在失業中で小学生の子供がいるひとり親です。子供の学校や、サマーキャンプ、小デイケアなどもこの夏休み中は受け入れがない為、仕事を探したくてもずっと子供が家にいるのでとても厳しい状況です。 現在EDDを受給していますが7月末にはフェデラルの追加$600が終了するので、その後のことを考えるととても不安です。フェデラルからの支給分を足しても以前の収入には見合いませんでしたが、こ... |
37. | リビング限定の偏頭痛 | 16k view | 48 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/05/28 15:56 |
最近はコロナの影響で家で仕事をしていますが日中は家事や子供の世話、遊びで仕事にならずあきらめて夜中に一人でリビングで仕事を始めました。思いの外とても集中できてとにかく捗っているのでこのスタイルを気に入っています。 ただ何故か最近偏頭痛が酷いと思っていて、最近は夜中寝ていないので寝不足かなとか、暑くなってきたから水分不足かなと思っていたのですがどうやらリビングルーム限定の偏頭痛なような... |
38. | チャットレディ | 8k view | 19 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/05/24 19:25 |
最近よく情報掲示板にチャットレディの募集が載っていますが、実際ノンアダルトでされている方、経験者の方どういうかんじなのか教えてください。セキュリティ上安全に出来るものなのでしょうか。やっぱり怪しいんですか? その他どれくらいの収入になるのかなどアドバイスよろしくお願いします。 |
39. | 学生必見 | 5k view | 7 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/05/14 21:44 |
現在の緊急事態宣言のおかげで F-1学生も大ぴらに就業できることになりました。 情報掲示板で詳細聞いてください。 生き抜くしかないでしょう。 学生さん頑張って❗️ |
40. | 犬の日本行き | 4k view | 2 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/05/08 18:06 |
OC内で良いUSDAの認定医をご存じの方がいらっしゃいましたらご紹介ください。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 |
41. | Small claim | 3k view | 3 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/01/30 16:02 |
車の事故で、 ご自身でsmall claimされた方は いらっしゃいますか? |
42. | miomioが入らなくなった! | 30k view | 34 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/01/09 12:22 |
一週間位前からmiomioで見てた朝ドラとかドラマが見られなくなりました。(pandoraでも見られない) 他に無料で見られる方法をご存知でしたら教えてください。 |
43. | 健康相談 Plus!! | 6k view | 11 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/11/19 00:18 |
歳をとると身体の不調は付きもの。 お悩み、相談、実体験、改善方法。 実際に体験した話、悩み事を病名別で気軽にシェアする場所あったらいいなと思い、作りました。 |
44. | AP Japanese Examを受けられる高校について | 2k view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/10/30 15:18 |
娘の通う高校にAP Japanese のクラスがないのですが、来年5月のAP Japanese のテストだけ受けさせようと思っています。 長男も同様に他の高校でAP Japaneseのテストを受けたのですが、当時、受けたサンクレメンテの高校は、今年から実施しなくなったようです。 オレンジカウンティ内の高校でしたら、どのエリアでもいいですので受験できる高校をご存知の方がいらっしゃ... |
45. | 結婚に求める条件 | 8k view | 18 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/10/02 09:16 |
独身、既婚、バツイチ問いません 結婚相手、結婚生活に求める条件 よかった事、後悔してる事 フリートーク |
46. | スモールクレームコートか裁判 | 15k view | 37 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/09/18 21:54 |
はじまして。 非常に悩んでおります。誰かの助けがないと無理かと思っております。 自分の甘さにことごとく打ちのめされる毎日ですが。 学生の子に部屋を貸していました。 アメリカで夢を叶えたいということで、お金がないとは常に言っておりました。 しかし、4ヶ月以上、家賃を滞納されて逃げられてしまいました。1年住むという契約でしたので、そろそろ、... |
47. | Small Claims | 2k view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/07/23 14:39 |
交通事故でSmall Claims を行った経験がある方は、 いらっしゃいますでしょうか。 訴える側です。 手順等など参考にお伺いさせていただきたいです。 よろしくお願い致します。 |
48. | ロス情報交換 | 27k view | 76 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/06/16 00:08 |
色々な情報交換しましょう。 学生さん・駐在員・だれでもO.K. お互い出来ることで応援しましょう。 |
49. | 離婚弁護士、ハーグ条約 | 8k view | 16 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/05/20 06:53 |
1歳と1ヶ月になる子供を抱える母親ですが、経済的サポートなしの主人からは、言葉の暴力がひどく、離婚をして日本への帰国を考えています。アメリカでも、日本でも、頼れる家族は誰もいません。 どなたか、このような体験をされた方、また、このような状況下で離婚をサポートしてくれる弁護士をご存知でしたら、是非ご紹介下さい。 |
50. | 余剰資金の運用 | 15k view | 38 res | Problem / Need advice | 2019/05/16 09:11 |
5~6年使う予定のないまとまったお金があります。 チェッキングアカウントに置いておいても増えないので、定期預金にしたいのですが、CDというのがそうなのでしょうか? 以前、日本でドル建て定期にしたら、1ヶ月で40万円も利息がついてびっくりしたのですが、それってアメリカの利息がそれだけ高いということなのでしょうか? また、他に何か、利息のいい運用方法があるでしょうか? ただし、... |
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